Everything was quiet, as if the silence was listening.
Anna Kavan
Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world
Nelson Mandela
Always remember to fall asleep with a dream, and wake up with a purpose
Allison Clarke
... είμαστε πλασμένοι από την ύλη ονείρων!
Επειδή, βέβαια, η χώρα της αθωότητας δεν είναι όπως τη φαντάζονται μερικοί, έχει τους αγίους και τ' αγρίμια της, τα παρθένα δάση και τα γαλήνια νερά της…
Οδυσσέας Ελύτης
Πιο πειστικοί για τον όχλο είναι οι αμόρφωτοι από τους μορφωμένους
Spy and try to understand the sky...
My paintings are not about what is seen. They are about what is known forever in the mind.
Agnes Martin

Alex Sobolta

“The Upside Down,” by Alex Sobolta Oil and acrylic on canvas panel


Subheim – Streets

Subheim is the personal music project of Greek-born, Berlin-based artist Kostas Katsikas. Drawing from his experience in various bands as


Flora Borsi

Flora Borsi is a popular artist from Budapest, Hungary. She is specialised in Digital Photography. Her aim is to visualise


Luis De Funes

Louis de Funès!!  actor, comedien, musician (1914 – 1983)   La Grande Vadrouille Fre none louis de funes    


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